The Amiga People
In the time frame that we wish to concentrate on here at The Amiga Museum – 1975 until 1996 – there were a number of people who were important in the Amiga story. There are those who were instrumental in the project even beginning, some that didn’t get involved until much later, and so there are many important people to the Amiga story.
Here at The Amiga Museum, we aim to make extensive use of hyperlinks where applicable, so that we can more easily give an accurate, complete picture of who was doing what, when they were doing, it, and what impact that had upon things, both within the Amiga story and in the wider computer community.
We can’t talk about the Amiga people without of course mentioning the man who is widely regarded as “the Father of the Amiga” – Jay Miner (RIP), but perhaps equally important are some of the other people who were there before Commodore purchased the Amiga in 1985, such as Carl Sassenrath, Robert J. “RJ” Mical, Dave Needle, David Morse and of course, the infamous Joe Pillow. These early days are covered in much more detail here: Up to and including 1984, as well as 1985 – 1986.
After the release of the Commodore Amiga, some members of the Amiga team left, for various reasons, and some stayed on to continue working on the hardware and software. At this point, while Commodore now owned the Amiga and the Amiga team were largely independent of Commodore, they were still Commodore employees. But things changed in the leadup to Christmas 1987, when the now infamous “They f*cked it up” Easter Egg was discovered in Kickstart 1.2.