1991 – 1992
May 1991: Kickstart 2.04 (v 37.175) is completed.
November 1991: Kickstart 2.05 (v 37.299) and (v 37.300) is completed.
Amiga Manual: Using the System Software V2.05 (1991)
March 18, 1992: Amiga 600 is released to the world.
April 1992: Kickstart 2.05 (v37.350) is completed. Kickstart 3.0 (v 39.046) and (v 39.065) are completed.
September 1992: Kickstart 3.0 (v 39.106) is completed.
1992: Amiga 4000 and Amiga 1200 released with new AGA Chipset, Kickstart 3.0 and Workbench 3.0
Commodore Multimedia Brochure (1992)
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